What is Computer - Basic information in Hindi

Here we will talk about what is a computer and how to run a computer. In simple language, a computer is an electronic device. You might already know this answer. So you must be thinking, why again this article about which we already know everything.

Just wait. Today I want to tell you what is the basic computer, these Hindi, you may know something in advance, but my motive is that you should be informed about the whole computer and not half of it. I know you know basic computer information. But do you know how it works, who made it before, through which kisses it has passed. How many changes have been seen in the characteristics of computers in so many years.

The computer that we are using today is the result of years of hard work of many scientists behind it. At the same time, you have good knowledge with half the incomplete knowledge. Today I want to give you the complete information about this machine along with what you call this article, what is the main part of it, what is the full form of the computer and how does it work. Then, let's start the delay and know what a computer is.

A computer is a machine that performs tasks according to certain instructions. There is an electronic device, which is designed to work with information. The word is derived from the computer, Latin word "computare". This means calculating or calculating.

It has three main functions. The first is to take the data which we also call Input, the second task is to process that data and the other task is to show the processed data which is also called Output.

Input Data → Processing → Output Data

Who invented computer? The father of the modern computer is called Charles Babbage. Because he was the first to design a mechanical computer, which is also known as Analytical Engine. In this, data was inserted with the help of Punch Card.

So we can call a computer an advanced electronic device that takes raw data from the user in the form of input, then processes that data through a program (set of Instruction) and finally the result as Output Publishes. It processes both numerical and non numerical (arithmetic and logical) calculations.

What is the full form of computer?
Technically there is no full form of computer. Yet the computer has an imaginary full form,

C - Commonly, O - Operated, M - Machine, P - Particularly, U - Used for, T - Technical and E - Educational, R - Research
If you translate it in Hindi, then it will be something like this, the common operating machine is specially used for business, education and research.

History of Computer - Generation of Computer in Hindi
It cannot be properly verified that the development of computers has been started since. But officially computer development has been classified according to generation. They are divided into 5 parts from the main tower.

When it comes to the generation of computer, it means that computer's generations in Hindi. As the computer grows, they are divided into different generations to make it easier to understand them properly.

First Generation of Computer - 1940-1956 "Vacuum Tubes"
The first generation computers used Vaccum tubes for circuitry and Magnetic Drum for memory. They used to be very big in size. A lot of power was used to run them.

Due to being too big, there was also a lot of heat problem due to which it was also malfunctioned many times. Machine language was used in them. For example, UNIVAC and ENIAC computers.

Second Generation of Computers - 1956-1963 "Transistors"
In second generation computers, transistors replaced vaccum tubes. Transistor took very less space, was smaller, was faster, was cheaper and was more energy efficient. They used to generate less heat than the first generation computers, but still there was a problem of heat in it.

High level programming languages ​​like COBOL and FORTRAN were used in them.

Third Generation of Computers - 1964-1971 "Integrated Circuits"
Integrated Circuit was first used in third generation computers. In which the transistors were cut into small silicon chip called Semi Conductor. Due to this, the ability to do computer processing increased to a great extent.

For the first time, monitors, keyboards and operating systems were used to make computers of this generation more user friendly. It was first launched in the market.

Fourth Generation of Computers - 1971-1985 "Microprocessors"
It is the specialty of the Forth generation that Microprocessor was used in it. With which thousands of Integrated Circuit were embedded in a single silicon chip. This made it very easy to reduce the size of the machine.

The use of microprocessor increased the efficiency of the computer even more. This work was able to do a lot of calculations.

Fifth Generation of Computers - 1985-present "Artificial Intelligence"
Fifth generation belongs to today's Dor, where Artificial Intelligence has established its dominance. Now, many new technologies like Speech recognition, Parallel Processing, Quantum Calculation are being used in the new technology.

This is a generation where due to the computer's artificial intelligence, the ability to make decisions on its own has come. Gradually all its works will be automated.

Who invented computer
Father Of Computer Charles Babbage

Who is the father of modern computer? Many such people have contributed to this Computing Field. But more of all this is contributed by Charles Babage. Because he was the first Analytical Engine came out in 1837.

The concept of ALU, Basic Flow Control and Integrated Memory was implemented in this engine. Today's computer was designed by basing itself on this model. This is why his contribution is the highest. Then he is also known as the father of the computer.

Definition of computer
There are many components of any modern digital computer but some of them are very important such as Input device, Output Device, CPU (Central Processing Unit), Mass Storage Device and Memory.

accepts data Input
processes data processing
produces output output
stores results Storage

How does the computer work
Input (Data): Input is the step in which Raw Information is inserted into the computer using Input Device. It can be a letter, picture or even a video.

Process: The data input during the process is processed according to the instruction. This is a completely internal process.

Output: The data that has already been processed during the output is shown in the Result. And if we want, we can also save this result and keep it in memory for future use.

Nominee picture of basic computer unitsIf you have ever looked inside a computer case, then you must have found that there are many small components inside, they look very complicated, but they are not really that complicated. Now, I will give you some information about these components.

The main circuit board of any computer is called the motherboard. It looks like a thin plate but it holds many things like CPU, memory, connectors for hard drive and optical drive, to control expansion card video and audio, along with all of the computer Ports connection. If seen, the motherboard is directly or in directly connected with all the parts of the computer.

CPU / Processor
Do you know what is Central Processing Unit i.e. CPU? It is also called. It is found in the motherboard inside the computer case. It is also called the brain of the computer. It keeps an eye on all the activities that are within a computer. The higher the speed of a processor, the faster it will be able to do the processing.

We also know RAM as Random Acess Memory. This is the short term memeory of the system. Whenever the computer does some calculations, it temporarily saves that result in RAM. If the computer shuts down then this data is also lost. If we are writing a document, then to save it from being destroyed, we should save our data in between. If saved in Data Hard Drive by saving, then it can remain for a long time.

RAM is measured in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB). The more RAM there is, the better for us.

Hard drive
Hard Drive is the component where software, documents and other files are saved. In this, the data stays stored for a long time.

Power Supply Unit
The power of a power supply unit is to take power from the main power supply and supply it to other components as per the requirement.

Expansion Card
All computers have Expansion Slots so that we can add an Expansion Card in the future. They are also called PCI (Peripheral Components Interconnect) cards. But nowadays the motherboard already has many built in slots. Names of some Expansion Cards that we can use to update old computers.

Video card
Sound card
Network card
Bluetooth Card (Adapter)
NOTE - If you are ever opening the contents of COMPUTER then you should first remove PLUG from the main SOCKET.

Computer hardware and software
We can call computer hardware any physical device that we use in our computer, whereas computer software means collection of codes that we install in our machine's Hard Drive to run the hardware.

For example, the computer monitor that we use to navigate, the mouse that we use to navigate, are all computer hardware. At the same time, the Internet Browser with which we visit the website, and the operating system in which that Internet Browser runs. We call such things as software.

We can say that a computer is a combination of software and hardware, both have similar roles, both can work together.


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